One of the most aspects of your business is cybersecurity. With all of the information stored and shared on your network, it’s critical that you invest the time and money needed to protect yourself. Some companies think that their small, internal IT department can provide this kind of protection. However, you’d be surprised just how vulnerable your company really is to a cybersecurity breach.
At some point, you need to evaluate your network’s security system. One crack in your security can cost your company millions. It can also destroy your credibility with your clients and customers. It’s a good idea to meet with a business lawyer in Connecticut who can provide advice on how best to handle this.
You need to have policies and procedures in place to protect your company. You also need to train your staff well and monitor their behavior. If you do experience a cybersecurity breach, your business attorney can help you decide what action is best to take. Here are a few hints you can follow when it comes to protecting your company and clients from a cybersecurity hack.
Do You Have Strong Password Protection?
For some reason, even in this day and age, people use very weak passwords at work. Sometimes, employees don’t even select their own passwords. They’re usually provided to them by someone from your IT department. In fact, we’ve seen companies actually provide these passwords to employees in writing. That is a big mistake. You need to let your employees select a password and then communicate it to IT in a way other than writing. In fact, your IT department can use a ghosting program to ensure that they’re aware of any changes made to an employee’s password.
Your Employees Need to Refrain from Social Media Use
Employees complain when they can’t go on social media sites on their work computers. There’s a reason for this. Every time your employees go on social media, they put your security at risk. Sites like Facebook and Instagram have no business in the work place. You should have a firm policy that prohibits your employees from using social media at work. In fact, your IT department needs to block any unprotected and unauthorized sites from being accessed.
Train Your Employees Well
A lot of security risks are the result of poor training. Some employees simply don’t realize that their actions can hurt their employer. This is why you need to provide comprehensive IT and security training to all of your staff. This includes every employee, even the janitor. You also need to provide this training more than once. It should be done at least once a year, perhaps more often for certain departments.
A Strong Security Team Protects Against a Cybersecurity Breach
Some companies think it’s enough to have a small IT team that was hired internally. Your business law attorney in Connecticut understands that this is sometimes not enough. You may need to invest money into hiring cybersecurity experts or a third-party to handle this function for you. You never know who you’re hiring and what their ultimate priorities are. You could put your entire operation at risk if you hire incompetent or untrustworthy people.
Beware of Personal Devices
It’s not enough to prohibit certain behavior on computers that belong to your company. You also have to be wary of personal devices. You have no idea what kind of information an employee can access using their personal devices. You may have to prohibit people from using personal devices, including cell phones, on company property. This may seem a bit harsh. And, most employees expect to have access to their cell phones, especially for breaks and emergencies. But you can restrict where they can use these devices. Your IT team can make sure these restricted areas are not vulnerable to a security attack or ciphering of information.
Contact an Experienced Business Lawyer in Connecticut
One of the most important things you should discuss with your Connecticut business attorney is security. They can educate you on what rights your employees have when it comes to security and privacy. They can also review your policies and procedures and let you know where you’re weak.
Call today and talk to an experienced business lawyer in Connecticut. They can also advise you on what to do if you become victim to a cybersecurity breach.